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How do I check My Pulse?

How do I check My Pulse?

Niyati Thole579 03-Jun-2022

How can I check my heart rate? You can check your heart rate by measuring and counting your heart rate in 1 minute (60 seconds).

 The heart rate depends on what you are doing. For example, it is slow during sleep and fasts during exercise.

 To get your resting heart rate, you must sit still before measuring your heart rate.

 Find your pulse

  •  I have a pulse on my wrist and neck.
  •  To find your heart rate on your wrist:
  •  extend one hand with palm facing up
  •  press the first (index) finger and middle finger of your other hand on the inside of your wrist, at the base of your thumb – do not use your thumb as it has a pulse
  •  Gently press against your skin until you can feel your pulse – if you can't find it, try pressing a little harder or moving your fingers

 To find your pulse in your neck:

  •  press your first and middle fingers near your neck, just below your chin, and near your windpipe – don't use your thumb
  •  press lightly against your skin to feel your pulse – if you can't find it, try pressing a little harder or moving your fingers

 Checking your pulse

 When you find your pulse:

  •  Count the number of hits you feel for 60 seconds
  •  Count the number for 30 seconds and multiply by 2
  •  This gives you your heart rate - the number of beats per minute (bpm) of your heart.
  •  You can also check if your pulse is regular or irregular by feeling its rhythm for about 30 seconds. It is very common to have occasional irregular heartbeats, such as missed beats.

 But an irregular pulse can be a sign of a heart condition such as atrial fibrillation (AF), which is an irregular and often abnormally fast heart rate. This is more likely if you are 65 or older.

 If you are concerned about your heart rate, please consult a GP.

 What is a normal heart rate?

Most adults have a resting heart rate of 60-100 bpm.

 The fitter you are, the lower your resting heart rate may be. For example, an athlete's resting heart rate is 40-60 bpm or less.

 If you feel your heart rate is consistently above 120 beats per minute or below 60 beats per minute, ask your doctor to rate it. However, this may be normal.

 Your movement and heart rate

 You can find out your fitness level by measuring your heart rate during or just after a workout. Heart rate monitors are also useful for recording your heart rate at rest and during exercise.

 Aerobic exercises like walking, running, and swimming is great sports because they increase your heart rate and breathing rate.

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